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Mönster till Tutt-mössa

Publicerad 2013-10-03 13:02:00 i Mina gratis mönster, virkat & sytt,


Det dök upp önskemål i en mammagrupp jag är med i om ett mönster till en tutt-mössa. En sån som ser ut som ett bröst uppifrån. Absolut skitkul grej när man ammar offentligt och farbror rätt å riktig eller tant Skitsur som ska blänga och göra upprörda mindr får sig en rejäl tutt-chock. Helt enkelt helrätt. Hur som helst så tittade jag lite påde mönster som jag hittade gratis och som alltid så kan jag ju aldrig vara nöjd med vad jag hittar så jag kastade dom beskrivningarna åt sidan och har nu gjort ett eget.

Ni får jättegärna virka mössorna, ni får sälja dom, ge bort dom, använda dom själva, slutperdukten är din egen, men mönstret vill jag behålla som mitt, Vill ni dela mönstret gör ni det genom att länka till den här sidan, lägger ni ut bilder på era alster uppskattar jagjättemycket om ni länkar till mig. Okay, nog om det, nu till mönstret.

Garn Victoria (Marks & Kattens)

info om garn om du vill hitta likvärdigt av annat märke:
100 % bomull
50 gr = ca 82 m

Virknål= 3,5

Färg 1: rosa (till toppen)
Färg 2: beige (nedre delen)
FM = Fast maska
2FM i 1 = 2 fasta maskor i samma maska)
SM = smygmaska
LM= Luftmaska
Information mellan * ... *skall upprepas varvet ut.
Alternativ till magisk ring: Kedja 2 FM, Virka 5FM i den andra maskan från nålen.

Storlek 1. 0-4 månader ( 37-40cm)
Storlek 2. 4-8 månader ( 41-46cm)
Storlek 3. 8 månader + ( 47 cm)

Storlekarna varierar på hur hårt du virkar och måtten är ungefärliga, mössan är stretchig så passar ett huvud som är större än omkretsen, men santidigt virkad i ett lite tjockare garn vilket glr mössan ganska stabil så den bär upp sig själv och kan användas av ett barn med något mindre huvudomfång änvad mössans storlek är.tex kanmin dotter ha storlek 2 (42 cm när jag mäter, och hon har några millimeter från 39 i omfång)

Börja med färg 1,Gör en magisk ring och virka 5 FM. ( den skall inte slutas utan nästa varv byggs vidare på föregående. Sätt en markör i första maskan på varje varv så slipper du sitta och räkna vart du är någonstans.

V2.-V3. FM varvet ut (5)
V4. *2 FM i 1 *(10)
V5. *1FM, 2FM i 1, * (15)
V6. *2FM, 2FM i 1, * (20)
V7. *3FM, 2 FM i 1, * (25) avsluta med en SM klipp av och fäst garnet. Byt till färg 2 och fäst garnet någonstans utmed kanten (inte där du avslutade med föregående färg )

V8. * 4 FM, 2FM i1* (30)
V9. 6 FM, 2 FM i 1, * 5 FM, 2 FM i 1* (35)
V10. 7 FM, 2 FM i 1, * 6 FM, 2 FM i 1* (40)
V11. 8 FM, 2 FM i 1, * 7 FM, 2 FM i 1*
V12. 9 FM, 2 FM i 1, * 8 FM, 2 FM i 1*(50)
(för storlek 1. gå vidare till V.17)
V13. 10 FM, 2 FM i 1, *9 FM, 2 FM i 1*(55)
V14. 11 FM, 2FM i 1, * 10 FM, 2 FM i 1*(60)
(för storlek 2. gå vidare till V.17för storlek 3 fortsätt till V.15)
V15. 12 FM, 2 FM i 1, * 11Fm, 2 FM i 1*(65)
V16. 13 FM, 2 FM i 1, * 12 FM, 2 FM i 1* (70)

För Storlek 1
V.17 13FM, 2 FM i 1, 36FM, 2FM i1, FM Varvet ut (52)
V 18. 2 FM ,2 FM i 1, 26 FM, 2 FM i 1, FM varvet ut. (54)
V 19. 21FM, 2 FM i 1, 42, 2 FM i 1, FM varvet ut. (56)

För Storlek 2
V.17 18 FM, 2 FM i 1, 41FM, 2FM i1, FM Varvet ut (62)
V 18. 7 FM ,2 FM i 1, 36 FM, 2 FM i 1, FM varvet ut. (64)
V 19. 26FM, 2 FM i 1, 52, 2 FM i 1, FM varvet ut. (66)

För Storlek 3
V.17 18 FM, 2 FM i 1, 51FM, 2FM i1, FM Varvet ut (72)
V 18. 7 FM ,2 FM i 1, 41 FM, 2 FM i 1, FM varvet ut. (74)
V 19. 26FM, 2 FM i 1, 62, 2 FM i 1, FM varvet ut. (76)

V20. och framåt.

Virka FM tills du fått önskad höjd på mössan. På sista varvet börjar du med en LM, avsluta varvet med en SM i denna LM. Klipp av garnet och fäst. Sy fast lösa trådar.

Nu är din nya tutt-chock-mössa klar.

Om du har några frågor eller kört fast så är det bara fråga på, jag gör vad jag kan för att hjälpa till, hittar du några fel i mönstret får du hojta till.



Postat av: FruRoolf

Publicerad 2013-10-03 16:34:24

SÅ. HIMLA. BRA. Tack så jättemycket för mönstret - här ska tuttas!

Postat av: Maria

Publicerad 2013-10-30 13:49:55

Tusen tack för mönstret!
Men jag tror det smugit sig in ett misstag på v19 på stl1!
Som det står nu blir det 67 maskor men ska bara bli 56 maskor!

Lätt åtgärdat när man håller på, men synd att mönstret är fel!

Tack igen!

Svar: oj vad knasigt, tusen tack för info :) ska ta en titt på det så fort jag får en liten stund över.

Postat av: Sofie

Publicerad 2013-12-20 12:22:54

Vad är garnåtgången för denna mössa? Hur många nystan behövs av beige?

Svar: det ska räcka med ett nystan, 50gram.

Postat av: Mrs

Publicerad 2014-03-17 18:19:10

Hej! Varv 19 str1 ska det vara 21 FM sen 42, det blir inte 56 maskor nåt är fel där o likaså på andra varv 19.
Tack för att du delar med dig av mönstret.
Mvh Maria

Svar: hej, ja nånstans räknade jag fel, jag satte upp mönstret här då det var efterfrågan i min mammagrupp :) har tyvärr inte haft tid att fixa det, ska göra det så fort jag får tid att gå igenom mönstret lite grundligare, jag hoppas de som ska virka mössan innan jag hunnit fixa det läser kommentarerna här :)

Postat av: Titti

Publicerad 2014-03-18 07:39:36

Det är ett jättekonstigt mönster...
Tur att man är van virkerska så att man har lyckats krångla till det.
Det är alltid fler maskor som ska virkas än vad man har på varvet på flera ställen.

Svar: det är så länge sen jag gjorde mönstret så jag kommer inte riktigt ihåg, men om jag inte minns fel så förskjuts väl varje varv med nån maska med flit för att det inte skulle bli en "skarv" men jag ska sätta mig ner och virka igenom den.

Postat av: Anonym

Publicerad 2015-11-10 20:26:29

Hej tänkte ge mig på denna underbart söta tutt mössa men förstår inte hur man får till varv 1 med magisks ringen dom inte ska bli en ring☺️
Tacksam för svar Mvh jenny

Postat av: Anonym

Publicerad 2015-11-10 20:43:15

Oh vilken underbar mössa! :) Men vi fattar inte riktigt hur man får till själva "vårtan"? vi har försökt och försökt utan att få till det.

Postat av: Emelie

Publicerad 2019-09-22 10:09:50

Tusen tack för att du delade med dig av ditt mönster! Det blev en riktigt fin tutt-chock-mössa!

Någon undrade hur många varv med FM som ska göras för att få önskad höjd på mössan. Jag virkade strl 2, och då gjorde jag 11 varv med FM. Får se om den passar på bebisen som ska få den :)

Postat av: Lena Magnusson

Publicerad 2020-02-04 15:23:50

Försöker virka Tuttmössa enligt Er beskrivning. Men får inte ihop det med varv 18 och 19. Men eftersom jag virkat mycket annat, så får jag själv försöka göra som jag tycker?

En rolig idé. Det var min dotter som hade hittat mönstret. Och ville ha en sådan.

Hälsar Gammelmormor Lena

Postat av: ilenewu60

Publicerad 2021-05-23 22:10:25

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Postat av: Jamesguafe

Publicerad 2021-06-12 21:05:00

A life hack (or elasticity hacking) is any skill, shortcut, ingenuity, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life. The expression was fundamentally used by computer experts who suffer from low-down strain or those with a playful found object in the ways they can accelerate their workflow in ways other than programming.

1 Experiences
2 Popularization
3 Spy also
3.1 In fiction
3.2 Techniques
4 References
5 Extraneous links
The master sharpness of the term "smash" is "to abridge with rugged or grievous blows." In the modern popular it has repeatedly been habituated to to describe an inelegant but effective deciphering to a individual computing uncontrollable, such as quick-and-dirty chassis scripts and other command line utilities that filtered, munged and processed observations streams like e-mail and RSS feeds.<>]<>] The an understanding was later extended to dash old hat, in notation to a solution to a trouble dissimilar to computers that energy come about in a programmer's run-of-the-mill life.needed] Examples of these types of vitality hacks effect include utilities to synchronize files, keep a record of tasks, put in mind of oneself of events, or filter e-mail.

The term zing hack was coined in 2004 during the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Congress in San Diego, California by technology paragraphist Danny O'Brien to explain the "discomfiting" scripts and shortcuts productive IT professionals power to fetch their work done.<>]<>]

O'Brien and blogger Merlin Mann later co-presented a session called "Subsistence Hacks Unexploded" at the 2005 O'Reilly Emerging Technology conference.<>] The two also co-author a column entitled "Living Hacks" on the side of O'Reilly's Rob publication which debuted in February 2005.<>]

The American Pronunciation Haut monde voted lifehack (equal name) as the runner-up looking for "most valuable story of 2005" behind podcast.<>] The conference was also added to the Oxford Dictionaries Online in June 2011.<>]

See also
Hacker urbanity
Conviction hacker
Nautical galley hew
Jugaad – similar concept
Kludge – similar concept
Urawaza – similar concept
FlyLady – housekeeping methodology
Self-help – self-guided gain—economically, intellectually, or emotionally—on numerous occasions with a substantial psychological underpinning
Tim Ferriss – initiator
Getting Things Done – laws and time handling method
In fiction
Rube Goldberg – cartoonist
LifeHax, a comedic snare series created not later than Michael Swaim
43 Folders – chance and classify board of directors organization
Hipster PDA – paper-based special organizer
Incremental reading – reading and scholarship method
Pomodoro Technique – circumstance management method
Spaced repetition – long-term memorization basic assumption
Timeboxing – perpetually stewardship method

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Postat av: RichardBaigo

Publicerad 2023-06-05 00:21:25

Hello my name is MATT D'AGATI.
Solar power happens to be probably the most promising and sought-after types of clean, renewable energy in modern times. This might be because of its numerous benefits, including cost benefits, energy efficiency, therefore the positive impact this has regarding the environment. In this specific article, we are going to talk about the advantages of choosing solar power in homes and businesses, the technology behind it, and just how it may be implemented to maximise its benefits.

One of many advantages of choosing solar energy in homes could be the cost benefits it provides. Solar power panels can handle generating electricity for your house, reducing or eliminating the need for traditional resources of energy. This might end up in significant savings on your own monthly energy bill, particularly in areas with a high energy costs. In addition, the price of solar panels and associated equipment has decreased significantly through the years, which makes it less expensive for homeowners to buy this technology.

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For businesses, the many benefits of using solar technology are numerous. Among the primary benefits is cost benefits, as businesses can significantly reduce their energy costs by adopting solar energy. In addition, there are numerous government incentives and tax credits open to companies that adopt solar power, which makes it a lot more affordable and cost-effective. Furthermore, companies that adopt solar technology can benefit from increased profitability and competitiveness, since they are viewed as environmentally conscious and energy-efficient.

The technology behind solar technology is simple and easy, yet highly effective. Solar energy panels are made of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert sunlight into electricity. This electricity are able to be kept in batteries or fed straight into the electrical grid, with respect to the specific system design. In order to maximize the advantages of solar power, it is critical to design a custom system this is certainly tailored to your unique energy needs and requirements. This can ensure that you have the proper components in position, like the appropriate wide range of solar power panels in addition to right types of batteries, to increase your power efficiency and cost savings.

One of many important aspects in designing a custom solar power system is understanding the various kinds of solar energy panels and their performance characteristics. There are two main main kinds of solar power panels &#8211; monocrystalline and polycrystalline &#8211; each featuring its own advantages and disadvantages. Monocrystalline solar power panels are made of just one, high-quality crystal, helping to make them more cost-effective and durable. However, they are higher priced than polycrystalline panels, that are made of multiple, lower-quality crystals.

Along with solar energy panels, a custom solar power system may also include a battery system to store excess energy, along with an inverter to convert the stored energy into usable electricity. It is essential to choose a battery system this is certainly with the capacity of storing the quantity of energy you want for the specific energy needs and requirements. This will make certain you have a trusted source of power in the eventuality of power outages or any other disruptions to your power supply.

Another advantage of using solar power could be the positive impact it offers from the environment. Solar energy is a clear and renewable energy source, producing no emissions or pollutants. This will make it a great replac

Postat av: FrankRox

Publicerad 2023-06-05 03:12:01

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Publicerad 2024-08-16 00:59:08

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Sedona Guitarist that plays Flamenco Guitar in Arizona
[url=https://onedirectionandmylife.blogger.hu/2012/11/21/2-evad-2-resz-22-resz]Intelligent Powered Scooters for Mobility[/url]

Postat av: Robertvioda

Publicerad 2024-08-19 02:58:05

Outdoor Collapsible Electric Wheelchairs: Leading Choices
Outdoor collapsible battery-powered mobility chairs are created to offer reliable accessibility for trips and tasks in the great outdoors. These wheelchairs are built with strong bodies and high-tech aspects to handle difficult terrains and difficult environments. Picture cruising through parks, paths, and shorelines with comfort and certainty. When choosing an external collapsible powered mobility chair, search for aspects like wide wheels, suspension, and extended power cells to guarantee best capability and comfort. Ready to explore the outdoors with independence and elegance? These wheelchairs are ideal for all use, providing the adaptability and dependability required for multiple activities. Seek for features like rapid-fold systems, modifiable seating, and easy-to-use controls to ensure maximum ease and efficiency. Consider the mass and dimensions to make effortless carrying and storage. With the right outside foldable battery-powered wheelchair, you can savor freedom and movement in any location. Ready to savor the outside with ease and confidence.

[url=https://firkalmanyok.blogger.hu/2011/06/07/mai-divat]Benefits of 4 Wheels Electric Mobility Scooters[/url] 782545_

[url=https://latestgadgets.shop/product/bluetooth-smart-bracelet-color-screen-y5-smartband-heart-rate-monitor-blood-pressure-measurement-fitness-tracker-smart-watch-men/]26kg battery-powered wheelchair[/url]

Postat av: PeterMaw

Publicerad 2024-09-10 02:11:34


Building a companion-friendly outdoor space is a great means to offer your companion with a secure and pleasant outdoor environment. A companion-friendly outdoor space can provide your animal plenty of activity and intellectual exercise, maintaining them fit and happy. When building a animal-friendly yard, ponder utilizing companion-appropriate foliage that are safe and won't harm your pet if they choose to nibble on them. Create cool spots for your companion to cool down in, and give lots of clean hydration to ensure them quenched. Incorporate pet-friendly features like sand pits, steps, and interactive toys to keep your pet amused. Fencing your outdoor space is also essential to stop your pet from wandering off and ensure them secure. Consistently examine your garden for any likely threats, such as dangerous debris, harmful greenery, or perilous zones. By building a pet-friendly garden, you can offer your pet with a safe, enjoyable, and engaging area to enjoy.
[url=http://xn--mdchen-online-bfb.com/guestbook.html]Essential Travel Hydration Bottles for Dogs on the Go[/url] a47a475

[url=https://petsallcare.online/shop/page/3/]Warm cozy cat bed[/url]

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Sedona Guitarist that plays Flamenco Guitar in Arizona
[url=http://lujiaxin.is-programmer.com/guestbook/]Effective Practices for Utilizing a Pet Clipper[/url]

Postat av: DonaldAnard

Publicerad 2024-09-10 13:54:39

Discover benefits of Gallon Multi-Opening Grow Sacks for Residential Yard

Planting enthusiasts, have you ever pondered utilizing Large Multi-Mouth Cultivate Bags? These practical holders are a breakthrough for anyone seeking to increase their planting area. With multiple mouths, you can cultivate various vegetables, aromatics, or blooms in one sack. Imagine growing tomatoes, basil, and marigolds all in the same container!

The best feature? These grow containers are transportable and reusable, creating them a eco-friendly choice for environmentally-aware planters. They allow for superior plant aeration and avoid overwatering, making sure your greens prosper. Plus, their sturdiness means they can endure the conditions time after time.

So, if you’re trying to enhance your gardening game, experiment with these multi-opening cultivate sacks a try. Your vegetation will thank you, and your outdoor will look more vibrant than always!

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Sedona Guitarist that plays Flamenco Guitar in Arizona

[url=http://mainplans.ru/forum/index.php]Reveal best techniques for beautifying yard rooms with vintage iron decorations and share tips and stories with forum.[/url] 592ea47

[url=https://gardeningtricks.online/product/nordic-decoration-ceramic-vase/]Holiday Pine PVC Fence[/url]

Postat av: HowardRet

Publicerad 2024-09-19 10:59:36

Selecting the Right Gentlemen's Wrist Watch for Formal Events

Picking the ideal timepiece for dress occasions can elevate your outfit and make a lasting statement. For formal occasions, a timeless dress watch with a slim case and a skin bracelet is an great option. Look for patterns with simple dials and minimal functions. Gold or metallic cases provide a touch of sophistication and sophistication. If you’re going to a professional occasion, a watch with a metal bracelet and a simple design can be very fitting. Think about the size of the watch as well; it should rest easily under your sleeve. Aligning the hue of your chronometer with your other accessories, such as your girdle and footwear, can produce a harmonious look. Keep in mind, the objective is to accentuate your outfit without attracting too much notice away from it. A thoughtfully picked chronometer can boost your style and demonstrate your carefulness.

[url=http://www.feuchtwangen.info/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=21367]Stylish and affordable men's wrist timepieces[/url] 615f958

[url=https://premiumwatches.online/shop-2/?breadcrumb=v2&filter_color=leather-coffe-set]Digital Watch with Slumber Tracker[/url]

Postat av: XRumer23ged

Publicerad 2024-09-20 12:52:36

Adaptable Motorized Mobility Chairs for Daily Use

When it involves motorized wheelchairs, adaptability is key. These types can adapt to different requirements and situations, turning them a excellent selection for people with different levels of movement. Search for characteristics like adjustable seating, multiple velocity settings, and even off-road abilities. Picture a electric chair that can seamlessly shift from inside to exterior use without breaking a sweat. That’s the advantage of multi-purpose motorized wheelchairs. They offer the liberty to navigate different environments with ease and ease. Whether you want to navigate restricted inside places or rough exterior ground, these mobility chairs have got you covered. Why accept less when you can have a wheelchair that handles everything?

[url=https://emmyaronsson.blogg.se/2012/june/nisvet-suljic3.html]Top Arm Support Features in Mobility Scooters[/url] 8f05159

[url=https://electricwheels.club/shop/page/2/?orderby=rating]Smart electric wheelchair for mature[/url]

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Sedona Guitarist that plays Flamenco Guitar in Arizona
[url=https://www.iraingber.com/blog/test/#comment-394763]Picking the Suitable Lithium Battery Electric Scooter[/url]

Postat av: Candymjf

Publicerad 2024-10-27 08:42:18

consists of the book itself

Postat av: Plamingers[somexrumerkey,2,5]

Publicerad 2024-12-22 05:06:49

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Postat av: Visioneaj

Publicerad 2025-01-09 00:15:38

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